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来源:网络 时间:2023-07-30 22:27:44
导读自从上个月底原神全球公测以来,海外海内都引起了不小的讨论,有人说海外一片好评,有人说都在锤抄袭,大部分的帖子都是只有几个截图,试图用小样本证明自己的观点,那原神的海外风评究竟如何呢? 昨天,全球最大…



Been having a blast playing Genshin Impact, but I came across SO many similarities! What do you guys think of them?




Imagine the next open world game succeed on “inspired by Genshin”.


Lisa says “Ara Ara” a lot




looks like one of those mobile knock offs except the gameplay is as advertised


The editing on this video is something else!! Well done. Also, I know the game has its own merits and it’s fine to take inspiration, but BOY those similarities are insane.


i thought people were exaggerating but it is almost the same loll


China has "Chinaed" BOTW


So how is this game not a rip-off note. I hate the people who have the nerve to say no its different enough its similar a lil


I mean... imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I guess.


"Copy, just dont do the same"


It’s not Genshin Impact It’s Nier: Breath of the wild


Got both games. Love em both


BotW inspired would be an understatement, it seems like it was more so used as base template for GI.


Oh my God, i thought this game is inspired by Breadth of the wild, but who would have thought its is much more like a skin for Breadth of the Wild.


Genshin air of the nature

原神:自然之风 (模仿旷野之息的名字)

ok you can copy my homework, but make it a bit different so the teacher doesnt notice


“Oh but this game is free!” Yeah they made 60 millions USD on the first week. FROM A GAME WHICH IS A CLEAR CLONE. This is just so disgusting.


Zelda : why you copy my game!? Genshin Impact : Hehe.. Zelda : EHE, TE NANI DAYO!?


Im playing this with my Dad, as grandma says: "best things in life are free - as long as you dont complain and noone is hurt." ✌


“I like ya game G”


Now.... dont get mad when Nintendo takes legal action


Plagiarism at its finest. The makers of genshin should be taken to court.


The Satori Mountain plagiarism is what infuriates me the most. Gameplay copy? Pretty dumb. World design copy? Also really dumb. But this just takes the cake. The original place was intended as a memorial for someone important, someone people cared about. And then Genshin just copied it and slapped a generic name in place of the name of someone important to gaming in general. Just disrespectful. And keep resting in only peace, Iwata. I may have never knew you for a long time but you were important for us.

Satori 山的抄袭在我看来是最可气的。抄玩法?够蠢。抄地形?也够蠢。但这抄的实在是太恶心了,旷野之息里的地方是为了纪念一个重要的人,原神却直接拿来随便安了个名字,太不尊重人了。RIP岩田聪,我虽然知道你不久但你却对我们都很重要。

Im actually really enjoying Genshin Impact. I loved BotW, so the game feels and plays very well...while still doing enough things different. You can get away without spending money, at least where I am at. I guess Ill see when I get to later game content.


genshin impact is the GOTY they say HW age of calamity: allow me to introduce myself


Nothing can beat the physics in Zelda BOTW!


“Yeah I copied your assignment but I changed ‘haven’t’ to ‘have not’, 3+2 to 2+3, and added a full stop. Now they are different.” People out there: “YEAH THEY ARE REALLY DIFFEENT YOU SHOULD SEE THAT”

“是的,我抄了你的作业,但我把haven’t改成了have not,3+2改成了2+3,还加了个句号,所以咱俩的作业不一样了。”大家:“是啊确实这俩太不一样了!”

ok but the music goes hard!


I’m not gonna lie, seeing this kinda upset me. Did they try to be original in gameplay? Is this game good?


as much as a "copy" it is, id be happy to have a game similar to BotW "hey, its more of that thing i like. cool" instead of "hey, thats very similar to that thing i like. damn it to hell" god forbid any other company make another BotW "copy", eh? BotW or nothing


when i play geshin... i just stop it and some how... feel bad... feel sorry to zelda like... am i play botw with mod somethin else


Genshin impact has inspiration from breath of the wild, Neir Automata, dark souls but easy, Final Fantasy, the National Geographic big tree, the lion king mountain/cliff, anime, etc


Me: BOTW was a fun an enjoyable experience, time to wait for the next one MiHoYo: yo bro wanna play an inspired game with a few twists? Me: help yeah I love these types of games with a lot of exploring and nice combat. others: Nooooo you can’t do that BOTW should be the only game that ppl can play if they want this experience.


Of course it is not the same game, of course Genshin Impact has added its own mechanics, more enemies, more elements and places. Nobody is saying it is the exact same game content-wise. BUT, that doesnt excuse the fact that the developers have shamelessly copied A LOT from Botw as this video shows. I am pretty sure that the Genshin developers first started by just copying the whole of Botws beginning and its core mechanics and physics and then starting to gather ideas on what they could add to it. They didnt first have an idea for a game and then took inspiration from Botw, they first had Botw and then took inspiration from other mobile games with gacha/lootbox mechanics. It doesnt matter to me how much other content they add in afterwards, because the whole game started off as a rip-off and its obvious as hell that they had no clue what to do in the beginning other than just copy Botw. Genshin Impact is at its core a rip-off, no matter how much more content they add to it. You can appreciate the extra content that the developers added in, but that never ever excuses how much they copied.


so they just took links moveset and separated each one as a character?




Now do differences.


Nintendo sues a lot of starter games that use their IPs but I guess is okey if they change little things here and there.


I tried them both. Zelda is more balance and harder and has better physics engine. Genghin has more chaotic gameplay. But If you play and has Zelda in mind you will hate it. So Just enjoy it.


3:05you cannot call This a similarity.. every bird on earth takes off like that.

3:05 这个不算抄,鸟都是这么起飞的

I feel like they wanted to do a botw game and copied a lot for core enjoyment and its some what a basis for game like this (like how every rpg has healing potions, magic called mana, specific character roles, talent trees, npc with a giant yellow “!” or “?” (A blue one if its not a main quest), the style of turn based fighting, etc.) Personally the environments, story ,and characters are what makes the game shine on its own compared to botw. Also being nitpicky things like exploding barrels, heavy sword spins, and gathering isn’t “omg its copying botw” but gamespot’s lazy attempt to hit the “20 stuff” mark for a their 100th “top x number” video


That Genshin Impact music this video uses though...


Like what they say in Thailand. same same but different


Best things in life are free, well apart from prison sex, thats not so good....


Filip Miucin made a game????

Filip Miucin (注:IGN编辑,因抄袭被开除)做了个游戏???

They arent similarities they are from BOTW and you know it. They just should have said it was inspired by BOTW.


People by default will be more forgiving when the game is "free"


I thought it was practically mobile zelda until i heard it was on other platforms


I want Mihoyo or other game producer learn from Zeldas gameplay instead of its appearance. Something like Fez, looks very different but similar experience.


Who renowned the concept of open world games: Nintendo Who do you pay your money to: Mihoyo (60 millions USD on the first week) This must be legit


0:52How does the traveller do that air slash in Genshin Impact? Is it a skill? Never seen it before.

0:52 原神里这招是怎么弄出来的?我从来没见过

nice, i never play a Zelda game before, becos i never own a single nintendo console my entire life


Now do this with BOTW and Oceanhorn 2 lol


Part of me doesn’t really mind because the core gameplay has enough differences, but part of me isn’t comfortable seeing that much just blatantly recreated for their game. Art style and world building is pretty much identical.


They didnt copy the glitches! Glitches are so much fun to play with. Also no horses.




The biggest lack in similarity is the price :/


Just got yet another Genshin impact ad before this video o.0 you guys are being paid by them to make these videos right?


I love this Liyue battle music so much


It’s botw for non-Nintendo systems lol


Genshi Breed of the waifu


Throw down that hammer, Nintendo..


Plus you got loads of games that copy the souls formula


again, is everything in botw original?


I dont mind the similarities with BOTW and Nier Automata. Both were great games and Genshin improved on them. Also, Genshin has its own story, a lot of characters to play with, a CO-Op mode, its free to play and is available in every platform except xbox.


I didnt enjoy botw. I definitely dont like those jrpgs either. Clicked on the video cuz it makes a point.


Its pretty funny that this video that reuploaded on weibos views is ten time higher than this one.


you gotta to love some deep hater comment down here XD hahaha . poor guy


Im still waiting Nintendo will praise the miHoyo for doing a great job in copying their game very well. Or feels sour and suing the company


is this some type of infringement ?


I played BOTW and i tried to like it but, finally, O accepted that I dont like BOTW. The thing is... for some reason I love a lot Genshin Impact.、


Both are great games though. As a huge fan of Nintendos Legend of Zelda franchise, there are huge similarities that are hard to miss. The fact is though, its a great game, its free unless you decide to buy gems (youll get them playing anyways), and there is a lot more to do in the world. Its not as polished as BoTW but it encapsulates the heart of the game and steps it up to a little bit more of an RPG instead of an Adventure game.


As long Nintendo doesnt complain.. Im happy :)


Its just China being China.


